News & Events / IHEP Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee

IHEP Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee

Published Mar 09, 2017

This week, the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) submitted testimony for the record to the Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services in the House Committee on Appropriations encouraging the support of the Pell Grant program and urges it not to cut funding to the program.  The Pell Grant program promotes college access and success for more than 7.6 million low and moderate-income students.

The testimony recommends four indispensable ways to prioritize funding for student access and success through the Pell program:

  • Implement year-round Pell,
  • Use Pell surplus fund for Pell recipients,
  • Tie the maximum award to inflation,
  • Oppose efforts to reduce mandatory Pell funding.

IHEP encourages the subcommittee members to continue their bipartisan support of the Pell Grant program in order to provide all students an opportunity for economic advancement.