Resources / Reports / Study of College Costs and Prices:1988-89 to 1997-98 Volume 2: Commissioned Papers

Study of College Costs and Prices:1988-89 to 1997-98 Volume 2: Commissioned Papers

Published Feb 2002
focus area Need-Based Aid

Volume 2 of the study of higher education costs and prices paid by families and institutions that contains papers from expert authors in the higher education community

In the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act, Congress directed the National Center for Education Statistics to conduct a new study of higher education costs paid by institutions and prices paid by students and their families. This report is the final product of Phase 1 of the study, which relied primarily on existing national data and statistical models. Volume 2 of the study contains seven commissioned papers from expert authors in the higher education community. Topics covered by the papers include: difficulty of valid internal cost analyses; “out of control” college costs and its affect on institutions and parents; cost analysis and public policy formulation; trends and issues affecting institutional practices of tuition discounting and enrollment management; cost and price in higher education, particularly as it relates to research and needed data; measurement issues of higher education costs and the 1997 Congressional mandate that brought about the study; higher education’s costs; prices; and subsidies from an economic perspective.