Resources / Reports / Leveraging What We Already Know: Linking Federal Data Systems

Leveraging What We Already Know: Linking Federal Data Systems

Published May 2016
focus area Data & Transparency

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) hold a vast amount of data on students who receive federal student aid and it is critical for higher education researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to access information about non-aided individuals from other federal data sources. The federal government possesses valuable data, including wage and earnings data, military recruiting data, and more, which could greatly enhance the national postsecondary education data ecosystem. Leveraging this existing data would enable ED to provide essential answers to crucial questions posed by millions of students and families about graduation rates, earning potential, costs, and student loan repayment. However, overcoming data silos and garnering public and elected-official support for an expanded view of the data ecosystem are key challenges. By breaking down barriers and sharing data effectively, students, institutions, and policymakers stand to benefit significantly.

This paper is part of Envisioning the National Postsecondary Data Infrastructure in the 21st Century.