Announcement: Application Open for IHEP – AIR Interactive Policy Summit
Published Dec 19, 2018
The Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) and Association for Institutional Research (AIR) are hosting an interactive policy summit for institutions of higher education that are using data to promote student success and affect policy change. The summit will be held at the Minneapolis Marriott City Center Hotel in Minneapolis, MN on August 1-2, 2019.
Attendees will learn how to:
- Translate on-the-ground data policies for institution, state, and federal policymaker audiences.
- Become effective advocates for data-informed policymaking at state and federal levels. This includes educating and building bridges across campus and elevating the importance of data-informed decision-making.
- Foster a data-informed culture on campus designed to improve student success.
We invite institutional teams of four individuals to apply for a spot at this event. Given limited space, we ask teams to complete a brief application stating their interest in participation and sharing information on their campus’s data culture—these details will inform how we design the agenda and activities during the policy summit.
An ideal institution team will consist of representatives from each of a variety of campus departments, including:
- Executive leadership
- Institutional research/effectiveness professionals
- IT professionals
- Government relations representatives
- Other data producers and users, like enrollment managers
IHEP will provide a fixed-price travel grant for the 20 institution teams selected to participate. This grant is intended to cover travel and miscellaneous travel expenses for the four institutional representatives described in the application—rooms at the conference hotel will also be included. Conversations and lessons learned during this summit will be used to shape IHEP’s institutional engagement efforts through the PostsecData Collaborative and AIR’s outreach and resources related to data policy.
Please answer all questions and submit via the Formsite application by January 31, 2019. If you have any questions about the content of the application, please reach out to Amanda Janice Roberson ( or Gina Johnson ( If you encounter any technical difficulties with the application, contact Ellie Eckerson Peters ( IHEP and AIR will be in touch with next steps in March 2019.