Peter O. Nwosu Ph.D.
President of State University of New York-Oswego (SUNY)Peter O. Nwosu (the “N” is silent), Ph.D. is the President of State University of New York-Oswego (SUNY), an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow and Fulbright Scholar. Dr. Nwosu provides leadership and oversight for key aspects of the College’s mission and strategic goals.
Prior to his role at SUNY, Dr. Nwosu was Provost and Senior Vice President at Lehman College. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Clark Atlanta University (CAU), Atlanta, Georgia, a private HBCU, which has served as a national engine of access and a vehicle for upward mobility for African Americans and underserved population groups. Dr. Nwosu has served in leadership capacities at California State University, Fullerton as Associate Vice President for Academic Programs and Accreditation Liaison Officer; Tennessee State University, Nashville as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Planning, and Assessment and Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Planning; and California State University, Northridge as Special Assistant to the Provost for Academic Planning and Diversity Initiatives as well as chair of two academic departments (Communication Studies and Urban Studies and Planning).
A graduate of the Harvard University Institutes for Higher Education, he earned his Ph.D. in Communications Studies from Howard University and his master’s degree from Towson University, Maryland. A national thought leader, an effective teacher-scholar, and tenured full Professor, he has authored more than 90 scholarly writings, including three books, refereed journal papers, book chapters, training manuals, and conference presentations.