Global Initiatives

Recognizing the universal value of higher education, IHEP regularly contributes to global dialogues and supports initiatives beyond the United States, including:
International Ranking Systems
Since 2002, IHEP has been an active participant in international discussions about college ranking systems. In collaboration with the former UNESCO-European Centre for Higher Education, IHEP helped establish the International Rankings Experts Group (IREG) and published the Berlin Principles on Ranking of Higher Education Institutions to promote a system of continuous improvement and refinement of the methodologies used to conduct these rankings.
Global Policy Fellows Program
From 2006 through 2009, IHEP joined the Global Policy Fellows (GPF) program alongside participants from Brazil, Mongolia, the Netherlands, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, and the United States to strengthen higher education policy around the world.
Measuring Global Performance Initiative
Amidst rapidly changing global approaches to learning and credentialing, IHEP supported the Measuring Global Performance Initiative (MGPI) and navigated the impact on U.S. higher education. From 2007 through 2009, MGPI explored what U.S. higher education can learn from the Bologna Process and its reconstruction of European higher education, and ways to construct more enlightening international comparative indicators of participation, pathways, and attainment in higher education.
Global Center on Private Financing
From 2006 though 2008, the Global Center on Private Financing of Higher Education (GCPF) examined how private capital can help widen access to higher education as a supplement to government funding. The GCPF culled data and trend analysis of private-financing strategies in order to inform nations seeking to increase access to and the quality of their higher education systems.