Better Data, Better Outcomes: Promoting Evidence, Equity, and Student Success through the Framework for State Postsecondary Data Solutions
Published Nov 2019
Accurately evaluating what works – and what doesn’t – to improve student progression through higher education requires the robust use of reliable data. States play a pivotal role in compiling and using data to empower student choice, spur continuous institutional and system improvement, and develop evidence-based solutions that promote college access and success for all students in their state. However, certain challenges have prevented states from fully leveraging education and workforce data, including difficulty matching and sharing data across agencies and states, and legal and regulatory compliance barriers.
Better Data, Better Outcomes: Promoting Evidence, Equity, and Student Success through the Framework for State Postsecondary Data Solutions introduces a new framework that highlights the barriers to effective data use by states and identifies approaches to eliminating those barriers, with solutions at the federal, state, and regional levels. The Framework identifies opportunities to build innovative partnerships and develop messaging and advocacy strategies to champion a culture of data use. Together, approaches outlined in the Framework help states advocate for resources and promote change.