Student Loan Debt: Problems and Prospects
Published Apr 1998
Volume compiling the papers delivered at a national symposium sponsored by IHEP, Sallie Mae Education Institute, and The Education Resources Institute
This volume compiles the papers delivered at a national symposium sponsored by IHEP, Sallie Mae Education Institute, and The Education Resources Institute. The preface, written by Jerry Davis and Jamie P. Merisotis, outlines the goals of the symposium and summarizes the key findings from the papers and the discussion. Papers include: “Student Borrowing: Is There a Crisis” by Jacqueline King; “Reality Bites: How Much Do Students Owe?” by Patricia Scherschel; “Early Labor Force Experiences and Debt Burden” by Susan Choy; “Life After Debt: Summary Results of the National Student Loan Survey” by Sandra Baum and Diane Saunders; and “Singing the Student Loan Blues: Multiple Voices, Multiple Approaches?” by Patricia Somers and James Cofer. A synopsis of the roundtable discussion is also included.